Monday, August 07, 2006


(An exerpt from my upcoming book: The Help-Yourself Guide To Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Qi (sometimes translated as as Chi, Ki or Key) is a philosophical cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine. But the question remains — What is Qi? Some believe that Qi is a function, others believe the Qi is a form of energy. Still others view Qi as a spiritual characteristic. According to ancient Chinese thought, Qi is the fundamental constituent of the universe, a primordial, invisible energy whose changes and movement produced phenomena. This viewpoint greatly influenced the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

Generally speaking, Qi refers to the vital energy, or life force in the universe. An active all-pervasive force that is both upward and downward, inward and outward, outside and inside our bodies. Qi circulates from one organ to another, along pathways or channels to maintain and protect all of our activities and bodily functions. When Qi is impaired in its movement, weakness, illness and pain result. In traditional Chinese medicine it is believed that if the body has no Qi motion it has no life activity. Qi is the function of the body that manifests itself in the body's metabolism, physiological appearance and pathological symptoms. For this reason, practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine regard Qi as the basic feature of life and of paramount importance.

Qi denotes the essential energy that maintains vital activities as well as the functional activities of the body's internal organs and tissues. However, its ontological relation to other forces and phenomena should not be overlooked, especially if one hopes to comprehend the body's interrelations with the environments it is immersed in.

Traditional Chinese doctors believe that Qi circulates throughout the body following a series of channels commonly known in the West as the meridians. This circulation of Qi is said to create an energy blueprint or a biological information system which instructs the body's cells on how to reproduce and function. Therefore, the proper flow of Qi is essential to health. If the Qi flow is blocked, becomes excessive, or deficient along the channels, disease will result.

Dr. Zhang

Friday, August 04, 2006


Dr. Zhang,

I'm currently studying physical therapy. My question is - can you recommend anything that ACTUALLY WORKS for men with thinning hair? I haven't seen my Chinese doctor in a long time, he told me the source was my stomach. "Fix your stomach and you will fix your hair" he told me in his limited English. I am also apparently very heated. I have faith in him but it couldn't hurt to get some further input on the matter.

Here's what I (think I) know about it according to the Chinese school of thought:
-fatty and processed foods are bad for healthy hair growth

-too much sexual activity causes premature balding
-It is directly linked to the kidneys

-coffee is also terrible for someone in my condition
-I also occasionally give my scalp a papaya puree treatment from time to time to "restore the acid mantle of my scalp"

I am only 28 and I really think I'll lose it if I go bald before 40. Should I give up the natural remedies and go for something like propecia? Do I stand a chance? I have to admit, I look around outside and see how many men are losing their hair and it’s not very encouraging. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope all is well with your business.

your friend,


Dear Nate,

I understand your feelings. Hair loss is not even considered an illness but is one of the most common health problems for men. I believe genes are the biggest factor in young age hair loss. Next come stress, skin allergies, parasites and unhealthy diet and lifestyle, such as a frequent consumption of fatty and sugary foods, alcohol and cigarette smoking, all of which lead to nutritional imbalance.

Not all hair loss is hard to restore. If you lost hair due to stress, germs, allergies, viruses or a nervous system disorder you may regain it with proper treatment. Sometimes hair will even re-grow by itself after the problems are fixed.

In traditional Chinese medicine it is believed hair is nourished by blood and jing. Jing is the basic matter of life which formed during the time of sperm and egg fertilization. Jing is stored in the kidneys (which are thought of as jing organs). On the other hand, the liver is viewed as a blood organ. It is believed that when the body is calm, blood flows into the liver. Conversely, when the body is active, blood flows out of the liver. When the liver is not healthy, that results in blood deficiency or heat in the blood. Hair will lack nutrients and will lose its roots when there is heat in the blood. Traditional Chinese medicine theorizes that hair loss is directly linked to the kidney and liver functions. And because jing and blood are nourished by food, it follows that the stomach and a healthy digestion also become factors in hair loss.

Please note that Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of over five thousands years and its theory is based on ancient Chinese philosophy. The terminology regarding liver and kidney in Chinese medicine is not exactly the same as the one in modern medicine. In Chinese medicine, each organ holds a group of body functions and any kind of dysfunction in the body can be linked back to a certain organ. In other words, the terms for specific organs in Chinese medicine are used to refer more to functions rather than the actual physical organs. This means that people who lose their hair do not necessarily have liver or kidney disease.

You can do many things to help stop, slow down, postpone or prevent hair loss. Acupuncture directly promotes blood flow to the top of the head. Some herbs such as Red Sage and Paeonia suffruticosa are good for reducing the heat in the blood. Other herbs such as Honeysuckle flowers and Forsythia are good for cleaning parasites and germs. Herbs such as Polygonum and Angelica are good for nourishing the blood. Semen Cuscutae Chinensis and Radix Morindae Officinalis are good for promoting healthier kidney function.

There are plenty of old and new remedies out there. Many herbal and pharmaceutical medications actually claim to help stop and prevent hair loss. In reality, few of them are effective or only work to a certain degree. Of course, when you look for hair growth products, you should do some research first to make sure that the products will do what they actually claim they’ll do and that they are safe.

Yours and Dedicated to Your Health,

Dr. Zhang

Yin and Yang:

(An exerpt from my upcoming book: The Help-Yourself Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine)

The theories of traditional Chinese medicine are based on Chinese philosophy. Yin and Yang, perhaps the two Chinese terms most familiar to Western readers, are concepts developed by ancient Chinese philosophers to characterize all matter in the world. The ancient Chinese believed that everything in the world has both a Yin and a Yang. Anything that is upward, outward, light, active, warm and strong belongs to Yang. Anything that is downward, inward, dark, quiet, cold and weak belongs to Yin. The sun belongs to Yang and the moon belong to Yin, the sky to Yang and the ground to Yin, man to Yang and woman to Yin and so on.

These concepts were used by ancient Chinese doctors in the field of medicine to explain the physiological and pathological appearance of the body. For example, the blood and fluids of the body (because they are liquid) and the organs (because they are still) belong to Yin. However, the functions of organs belong to Yang because they are active. Parts of the body such as the back of the hand belong to Yang because they are on the outside, while other parts such as the palm of the hand belong to Yin because they are on the inside.

It is important to note that in the context of traditional Chinese medicine, the body is healthy when its Yin and Yang are balanced; if this harmony is disturbed, disease will result. This is because Yin and Yang are mutually dependent, causing symptoms to arise when the Yin is weak and theYang dominant, and vice versa. This is why traditional Chinese medicine refers to an excess of Yin as causing cold and an excess of Yang as causing heat.

Dr. Zhang


Dear Dr. Zhang:

About 10 years ago I sprained my right ankle a few times in the same year.

Recently I had a chiropractic adjustment with a new chiropractor who was not aware of my fragile ankle. As I lay on my back he grabbed me by the ankles and pulled very hard -- that I know is a common chiropractic adjustment -- but my right ankle really hurt afterwards and became swollen. It has been very painful and swollen for a month. I went to a podiatrist who took an x-ray and confirmed that nothing was broken. He taped it up --- but after 2 nights in so much pain around the tape -- I tore the tape off.
What can I do for this swelling and pain?

Thanks - Jill S.

Dear Jill,

Because your x-ray has confirmed that nothing was broken around your ankle, it sounds that you have injured the muscle and ligament (perhaps even the tendon). Ankle sprain is the most common athletic injury.

Because the ankle has very complicated ligamentous structures which stabilize the ankle joints, as well as the tendons and muscles around them, in the case of an ankle sprain it is likely those ligaments, muscles and tendons will be injured. Frequent injuries of this kind can cause ligament laxity. This laxity may make ankle sprain even easier to happen.

It is hard to determine at the beginning of such an injury exactly what the problem is, due to the severe pain the patient has. But most experienced doctors would give a pretty accurate diagnosis about which part of the ligament, tendon or muscle were injured after an initial x-ray confirmation.

Ankle injuries always need urgent treatment to avoid chronic ankle pain, laxity, or arthritis. But ligament and even tendon injuries are very slow to heal due to lack of blood vessels. In my experiences, the best treatment for ankle injury is acupuncture plus moxibustion (a strong heat directly placed next to the needles).

An acupuncturist can directly insert the needles in the injured area to achieve relaxing of the sprained muscle or tendon and the strong heat will help the injured area to heal quickly.

Yours and Dedicated to Your Health,

Dr. Zhang


My name is Kim, I'm a certified massage therapist. I'm 41, non-smoker and non-drinker, but however, I have a lot of health problems. I have Allergies, Asthma, cancer (both kinds) diabetic, high blood pressure, arthritis. Without costing me a fortune, what could you recommend so I can get off all this medicine. I have found one product called waiora and it seems to help some. I'm what you call on a wing and prayer.

Dear Kim,

I am sorry, this really sounds like you have a lot of serious health problems. Although, your conditions don't seem to be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, they may stem from a weak immune system that you may have inherited or been born with, or you may have been exposed to too many chemicals. I would not be surprised if you were on some sort of long-term medication while you were growing up. All these factors could weaken your immune system.

This is what I would suggest if I were in your situation:
First, I would start practicing Tai Chi. The Chinese have been practicing Tai Chi for thousands of years for its great effect on one’s general health. I know people who are coping with chronic illnesses and who started practicing Tai Chi and derived truly great benefits such as strengthening their immune systems. Many health problems are caused by a weak immune system. Once your immunity is strengthened, then you will feel that your body is beginning to heal itself.

Second, I would carefully design and schedule a healthy diet. You may need to consult an experienced and licensed nutritionist. A good diet should consist of less fat and sugar and be balanced in nutrition. A good diet will help you with your diabetes and allergies, even your arthritis. You must have already tested what kind of foods your body tolerates and not. Listen to your body and avoid those foods, at least until your body becomes stronger.

Third, I would try to slowly and carefully use natural medicines instead of chemical-based medications, if it is possible. That way you will reduce the pressure on your immune system and your liver, and you would be giving your body a chance to get stronger. Or at least try to use natural medicines to support your body's immune system while you are on medications.

Because some of your health problems are very serious, you still have to be on your physician's watch list and consult with your doctor before you decide to make any changes.

Yours and Dedicated to Your Health,

Dr. Zhang


Dr. Zhang, Back in march of this year I was diagnosed with moderate to severe Crohns. I am seeing a naturopath along with my GI. I have been symptom free for a month now after my GI put me on prednisone, i am on a tapering program and almost completely off the steroid. My wish is to not have to take any more of these toxic drugs. I have been gluten free and dairy free for a while now, and that seems to be helping along with taking probiotics. Do you have any suggestions on staying in remission and to avoid any future flareups of inflammation. Maybe I should try acupuncture, do you think that would help any? thanks,


Dear Corey,

What you have been doing and planning to do is absolutely correct. Steroids are commonly used in clinical treatment for severe Crohn’s disease. I have to say that steroid therapy is great for quickly reducing intestinal inflammation. But because of the powerful side effects of the steroid it could contribute to weakening of the immune system, and in many cases the disease will likely return with even more severe symptoms.

I absolutely agree with what you’ve been doing, the best way to cope with Crohn’s disease is to a have an effective and healthy diet. In addition to what you are already doing with your diet, you may also try to avoid eating spicy foods, including onions, garlic and ginger; avoid eating seafood, uncooked foods, sugary foods, fatty foods; avoid foods or drink with strong acidity; avoid alcohol and cigarettes. It may sound as if there is nothing you can eat after all. But trust me, you will find there are plenty of other foods that are clean, tasty, nutritious and easier to digest. Just try the best you can.

Acupuncture is a great way to improve your intestines’ function and stop abdominal pain. Yoga or Tai-chi will help keep your mind relaxed and reduce your stress. Fish oil (especially Cod liver oil) is also good for dealing with Crohn’s.

Crohn’s is an autoimmune disease and in traditional Chinese medicine it is treated with Astragalus root to boost the patient’s immune system. Also most mushrooms (and especially Reishi) are good for enhancing the immune system. You can get astragalus from any Chinese herbal store and mushrooms you can buy from your local health food store (I recommend organic) or supermarket.

Crohn’s can be very chronic. Fighting this disease not only requires an extreme attention to your diet, but being self-disciplined, patient and persistent. When your immune system attacks your own body, the intestines often gets inflamed, so taking natural anti-inflammatory or natural antibiotics regularly to clean your GI tract is important. I designed my herbal antibiotics Infection formula to help subdue flare-ups, inflammations and most infections. I have used it on many occasions to help my patients fight Crohn’s disease with very good results. You can find out more about the formula on the HERBALmax website.

Yours and Dedicated to Your Health,

Dr. Zhang

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

iN THE MAiL: ADHD & Ritalin

Dr. Zhang,

I would love to find an alternative for my child's medicine. He drinks Ritalin for his ADHD, but I am afraid of the long term side effects. I stopped the medicine since the end of May and since then I see that my child has not had any bad effects. Please help!!!!!!!!! I love my child and want the best, but I feel that Ritalin is not the best.


Dear Lizzy,

ADHD - Attention-Deficit and/or Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobehavioral disorder characterized by pervasive inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 4.4 million youth ages 4-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD by a healthcare professional, and as of 2003 2.5 million youth ages 4-17 are currently receiving medication treatment for the disorder. It also states in 2003 that 7.8% of school-aged children were reported to have an ADHD diagnosis by their parent. More than half of diagnosed kids are currently on medications.

I am a mother myself. I'd like to tell you a story about me and my son. When my son was a little kid, he never seemed to be able to remain quiet for a minute. His hand was always going to grab something. He could never sit somewhere without moving around. When he was in kindergarten, he was the teachers’ least favorite child due to his hyperactive behavior. He also like to play with the school toys alone. He simply couldn't sit quietly and listen to his teachers.

The only teacher that loved him was an older woman who told me that her son had had similar hyperactive behavior when he was a child. Her hyperactive son later got in a top science school in China. Both of us believed that our son's hyperactive tendencies were caused by high intelligence. Because I believed in his being an intelligent child, I carefully guided him as he was growing up to become more and more interested in the sciences.

I remember the first semester when my son was in elementary school. His teacher called me up and said:
"Your son has serious problems".
"What problems?" I asked.
"Attention Deficit Disorder" The teacher proceeded to describe all the symptoms that my son had.
I listened to her and then said:
"That is not true. I know my son. You will find out that I am right later."

My son proved me right, of course, from then on at the end of every school year he would always be the top student in his class. Now he is about to graduate from one of the top science colleges in the US.

When I read the CDC 2003's diagnosis guide for ADHD, there was no doubt in my mind that my son would have been diagnosed with ADHD 20 years ago. But in my heart I didn't believe it.

I still believe all kids should have the right to behave differently. Kids have different parents, different genes, different brains, different intelligences, different energy levels and different health conditions, as well as different interests. I believed my son was a 100% healthy kid because he loved books and was very creative. When he read books, he could concentrate for hours and when he played with his toys to create things, he could get so absorbed in the activity that he would forget the rest of the world. And then, when he was with people he liked, he could talk for hours.

I believe in medications when they are necessary. But medicating children for ADHD symptoms, especially on a long term basis, is something I don’t believe in. I am convinced that an alternative type of treatment is a much better approach. Especially since medication therapies can have an undesirable effect on a young and still growing brain.

If your son's condition is serious and you really feel he needs help, you may try HERBALmax's Anxiety formula. The Anxiety formula has no side effects and is designed to have a calming and relaxing effect, it may help your son concentrate more easily and calm down.

Yours and Dedicated to Your Health,

Dr. Zhang


I have high blood pressure since pregnant and giving birth of my third child 9 weeks ago. My last reading was 140/99. My question is can I take Blood Pressure Formula while nursing a baby?

Dear Puji,

Thanks for your question. I am happy to answer it. I have just returned from the AMNA Conference in Las Vegas and have just started checking my email, so sorry for the delay.

Your high blood pressure is one of several symptoms that often accompany pregnancy. Unfortunately, pregnancy-related high blood pressure may last for a while in some cases. The HERBALmax Blood Pressure formula is very safe and well-balanced, and there have not been any records of side effects in any of my patients’ cases.

I have patients who have taken the Blood Pressure formula during pregnancy and breast-feeding without any problems. However, like many herbal medications, the Blood Pressure formula has not been studied and analyzed for how much of herb’s potency will find its way into the milk after the mother has digested it. If you are taking the Blood Pressure formula while breast-feeding, I’d suggest that at least during the first couple of weeks you carefully monitor your baby's behavior to ensure that the baby's blood pressure is not affected.

Yours and Dedicated to Your Health,

Dr. Zhang

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